Acupuncture for "false myopia, presbyopia, and eye troubles"

   When a retina catches the light
from outside as an image, a crystalline
lens changes to a concave or to a
convex automatically by the function of
muscles.  You have a myopia
(nearsightedness) if the lens is hard to
concave and a hyperopia
(farsightedness) or presbyopia
(farsightedness due to old age) if the
lens is hard to convex.
   If there is something wrong with
your eyes, you have stiffness in the
temple and in both sides of the
posterior neck.
  To ease that stiffness helps to normalize the eye system.
Applying MAGRAIN is suitable for relieving the stiffness in the neck.
  To stimulate the anterior and medial earlobe is also effective to
eye troubles.